Integrated Care Communities

Integrated Care Communities (ICC) are integrated teams of health and care workers, voluntary organisations and wider community assets who work together with an aim of promoting and maintaining community independence, improving quality of life, reducing the risk of hospitalisation and empowering people to access local services and resources to help make life easier.

There are 8 Integrated Care Communities across Morecambe Bay reflecting the geography and natural communities in existence. East ICC covers patients registered with Park View surgery.

East ICC’s Case Management Team have staff who can undertake an overall assessment of your health and wellbeing and help you take steps to improve aspects that you have concerns about. These staff sit separately from the GP and other health and social care services but work closely with them. If you have concerns for yourself or a member of your family and that are not already receiving support from more traditional services, we may be able to help.

East ICC Case Management Team can visit individuals at home and can help to: –

  • Plan and co-ordinate ways to meet a person’s health and social care needs.
  • Support people to look after their health as much as possible to stay well.
  • Recognise when people are running into difficulties and so get help sooner.
  • Make sure individuals wishes are heard, so they can feel in control when decisions are being made about their health and well-being.
  • Consider individual circumstances, providing personalised support.

Referrals to the ICC can be made by any health or social care professionals and others involved in a patients care in the community, or you can self-refer by contacting the team on 01539 777297 or via email at . Alternatively, you can mention to your GP surgery and request that they refer you in to the ICC.

ICCs have well established relationships with local councils and public health colleagues across the Bay, and all have active participation in activities relating to preventing, detecting, and protecting our communities from developing ill health.

In addition to our ICC Case Management Team, we have an ICC Development Lead who works with local communities to identify local health challenges and coordinate projects and initiatives to help respond to identified need. If you would like more information or have any suggestions to share, please make contact on the phone number / email above.


The ICCs work with our partners to optimise the care and support available to patients. Sometimes we need to discuss a patient’s care in a Multidisciplinary Team Meeting (MDT). An MDT is a collection of health and social care professionals who meet on a regular basis in order to discuss how to best manage a patient’s care. We would normally discuss patients in very specific circumstances:

  • Frail and/or complex patients with long term conditions
  • Patients presenting in multiple setting and/or attending health care settings
  • Patients who are struggling to manage their health
  • Patient who are struggling to cope at home

Referring agencies will try to seek consent for MDT discussion, however this may not always be possible or in the best interests of the patient. We will only discuss information that is relevant to ongoing care and all member of the MDT are bound by the NHS code of practice on confidentiality. If you wish, you may opt out of the MDT process by contacting the practice. Please do contact us if you require any more information regarding MDTs.